Web Creation Company, Specializing in Design


    We plan and design content and user flow to match the customer's business.


    We also pay attention to UI/UX design and provide memorable designs.


    We will work together to create what is needed to be a company that is chosen by users.


    We will support after the website is published. Please leave advertising and SNS operations.


We help you maximize the value of your business.

Gear8 Thailand was established in 2016 as the Thai subsidiary of Gear8 Inc. headquartered in Sapporo.
We have offices in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Sapporo, and Taipei, and our direction team consists of a total of 25 members.

We are happy to talk with you and learn a lot about your business.
This is because by gaining a deeper understanding of our clients, we are able to see beyond them to their customers.
We are not content with creating something that will please both parties, but rather we want to provide the best possible product with a focus on the customer's customer.

We provide website production, web marketing, branding, graphic design, and other web-centered services. Our global team, including those in Japan and Taiwan, works on projects together, sharing knowledge and experience gained at each location to ensure that we always deliver high-quality services to our customers.


Some of Gear8 Thailand's achievements.

  • Sanko Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

    • Corporate Site
    • Multilingual

    Sanko Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd. manufactures and sells wire harnesses for automobiles, motorcycles, and forklifts in Prachinburi Province, Thailand. The website has a sophisticated and novel look that is unlike that of a manufacturing website, and the natural motifs are in harmony with the environment and with the trends of the times.

  • THS Innovations Co., Ltd.

    • Corporate Site
    • Single Page
    • Multilingual

    We created THS Innovations, a joint venture between Mitsubishi Corporation, ALSOK, and Teo Hong Silom Group, to create a corporate website focusing on energy management solutions.
    Our goal was to increase awareness of the company, clearly and straightforwardly present its corporate profile and business activities, and create an user-friendly design with an awareness of the user's flow.

  • Human Technologies (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

    • Service Site
    • Single Page
    • Multilingual

    We created Human Technologies (Thailand), a company developing a cloud-based attendance management system KING OF TIME in Bangkok, Thailand, in the production of their corporate/service website. We customized the site for each language to suit each target audience. The client provided us with a wealth of ideas, and we worked with them to determine how best to reach their users.

  • IDE-JETRO Bangkok Research Center

    • Web Portal

    We produced a Web Portal for researchers and research publications of RIN (The Research Institutes Network: a network of research institutes in 16 East Asian countries), for which IDE-JETRO Bangkok Research Center serves as the secretariat. The site is designed to make it easy to view and search for the many new Asian economic research-related news items received each month.

  • alphabet home Co.,Ltd.

    • Service Site
    • BtoC

    We created a service site for alphabet home, a Japanese real estate rental company in Bangkok, Thailand. We have renewed their property information search site, as well as their blog site "Bangkok times" which supports Japanese expats' life in Bangkok. We made sure that the design was completely redesigned, and that the site is user-friendly, so that users would want to search for the properties of their demand. We were able to fill as much of the client's passion into the site as possible.

  • NAGASE THAILAND Mobility Division

    • Service Site
    • Single Page
    • Multilingual

    NAGASE THAILAND has developed a new smart city solution for its Mobility department. We created a service website to introduce the technology and product appeal of Level 4 Autonomous Vehicles (Autonomous Vehicles) in Thailand. We used an isometric illustration of a smart city of the future for the first view, and paid special attention to animation to create a page that is memorable.

  • NC Network Asia Co., Ltd.

    • Event Site
    • Multilingual

    We created the event website for NC Network, a Bangkok, Thailand-based company that operates a database specializing in the Asian manufacturing industry and develops business meetings, research, and media business. We made every effort to provide site direction that would allow the site to be operated not only for a single year, but for multiple years. The site is available in Japanese, English, Thai, and Vietnamese.


What you can do with Gear8 Thailand. List of our services.

  • Website Creation
  • Web Marketing
  • SNS Operation
  • Graphic Design

User-friendly websites created from scratch

Gear8 Thailand specializes creating websites from scratch according to the customer's requirements. We can handle your first corporate website as well as renewals.
The most attractive thing about creating from scratch is that it is completely original.
We carefully listen to our clients' needs and provide support for further business growth after the website is launched, from strategy and specification design to security measures and SEO optimization, not to mention the technical aspects.

First of all, please tell us more about your business.

Appeal to the people you want to reach with precision

We provide initial setup and operation of web advertising for sales promotion of products and services, with a focus on Google Ads.
We will clarify your goals based on a thorough understanding of your products and services, formulate appropriate strategies from the user's perspective, and provide advice on optimization through monthly analysis and improvement.
We will make proposals tailored to the customer's needs, including monthly operations and regular meetings. We will also provide monthly reports to facilitate communication within your company.

We will help you with effective advertisement management that suits your target audience, such as listing and display advertisements for the Thai market.

Strategic Planning and Effective Promotion

We provide advertising management services for Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok, which have become mainstream information gathering platforms in the Thai market. Our services include creating a new official account, designing an operation plan, posting on behalf of the client, and creating images for posting.
We will hear your ultimate goals, such as product purchases and inquiries, and help you optimize the quality and reach of your advertisements by selecting effective keywords for your target audience in Thailand and taking the appropriate approach for each social media platform.

We will propose the best solution according to your target, budget, and business phase.

Not only on the Web, but also in print media

Gear8 Thailand focuses on web production, but we also welcome requests such as "We would like to create a company profile/brochure to match our website design" or "We would like to re-brand our store or create a menu.
First, we will take the time to listen to what you have to say, and then we will plan and propose a logo design, brochure, flyer, poster, etc.


What makes Gear8 Thailand unique and what we do best.
Differences from Other Companies.


Creating strategies and tactics is essential to deliver to users the appeal of your company or store, and the products and services that will leave a lasting impression and be loved. We plan and design content and user flow to match the customer's business


We create designs with layouts that are appropriate for your target audience to help them understand your products/services, and we provide memorable designs with attention to UI/UX design to ensure the success of your website.


We help our clients build brands for their products/services through the Web. We will work with you to determine what is needed to become the company of choice for your users.


A website is not the end of the creation process. We will continue to support even after the website is published. We will support your company's development and growth through advertising, SNS management, etc., as a good companion.


How Website was created


Inquiry / Consultation

First, please contact us for a meeting. We will take the time to discuss your objectives and business.
*If you are far away, we can meet with you online using zoom!


Quotation / Proposal

We will provide an estimate and proposal based on the information we hear from you at the meeting, and we will discuss the objectives of the website production. The initial hearing, quotation, and proposal are free of charge. Please feel free to contact us!


Strategy & Specification Design

We will listen to you carefully to clarify the purpose of your website production and determine targeting, functionality and content. Then, we design an user-friendly website that meets your business goals and user needs.


Art Design

We will propose a design concept in accordance with the specification design (Wireframe). We also incorporate UI/UX design to create a design with excellent functionality and operability.



We will develop the site according to the design, and when implementing a CMS, we will design a screen that is easy to operate so that even those with no web knowledge can easily post announcements, add product information, etc.

Launch & delivery

Finally, the website is ready for release. Before delivery, we will prepare a test site and check the display and operation on the browser with the customer. We will respond thoroughly to any bugs, corrections, or points of concern until the website is released to the public.

After Support

Websites are not the end of the creation process. We can also provide support after the website has been opened to the public. Please feel free to contact us for monthly maintenance and operation as well as any other concerns you may have.


List of fees for Gear8 Thailand services.

  • Website
  • Google /
    SNS operation
  • Graphic

Corporate Site

This is a completely original website created from scratch that is ideal for branding.

In order to let users know about your company or store, we will propose contents and a site flow that will appeal to users with basic information about your company, its differences from other companies, and its strengths. We can consult with you not only for your first website, but also for a renewal of your website.

We will implement a CMS (WordPress), so your staff can manage the site, such as updating articles and product information. Please feel free to contact us if there are any features you would like to have.

Cost: 400,000 THB~

Pages: 10-15p

Term: 5 to 6 months

*The number of pages will be determined upon request.

Service Site

A completely original website created from scratch, specializing in sales promotion of products and services.

We aim to get customers to know about your products and services and acquire potential customers. We will design a target setting and a lead-in line based on a thorough understanding of the customer's products. We propose a design that leads to inquiries.

We will introduce CMS (WordPress) so that your staff can manage the website, such as updating articles and product information. Please feel free to contact us if you have any requests for features.

Cost: 350,000 THB~

Pages: 8-12p

Term: 5 to 6 months

*The number of pages will be determined upon request.

Single Page Site

This is a completely original website made from scratch that can briefly introduce your company and services on a single page.

This is recommended for those who want to introduce their company or service in a concise, one-page format, such as an LP site or portfolio site. We will propose content and design from scratch to meet the customer's objectives. You can use it for a long time.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any requests for CMS (WordPress) implementation or any other desired functions.

Cost: 200,000 THB~

Pages: 1p

Term: 3 to 4 months

Template Site

This is a website that uses our original template and is recommended for those who want to keep costs and time down.

Websites can be created to meet the needs of those who want a website that can serve as a business card for a start, or those who have just entered the Thai market and want to create a website as a small start. It can be implemented at a lower budget than a single-page website. The fee includes domain and server acquisition costs, so it is easy to get started!

Privacy policy is also fully equipped, and it is compliant with Thailand's PDPA.

Initial cost: 20,000 THB ~ / Monthly cost: 3,000 THB

Pages: 1p

Term: 1 month

Cost: 400,000 THB~

Pages: 10-15p

Term: 5 to 6 months

*The number of pages will be determined upon request.

Cost: 350,000 THB~

Pages: 8-12p

Term: 5 to 6 months

*The number of pages will be determined upon request.

Cost: 200,000 THB~

Pages: 1p

Term: 3 to 4 months

Initial cost: 20,000 THB ~ /
Monthly cost: 3,000 THB

Pages: 1p

Term: 1 month

Google Ads

We use Google Ads as one of the measures to effectively operate your website and help you increase awareness and gain conversions.

Before starting operation, we conduct interviews, target setting, creative creation, and initial setup.
We propose Google Listing Ads, Display Ads, P-MAX Ads, etc. according to the client's needs and goals.

We will conduct thorough hearings before operation, and propose measures and provide support based on monthly results.
We will also submit a report of monthly ad results.

Operating cost: 4,000 THB~

Actual advertising cost: to be determined upon consultation

Time frame (preparation and setup): About 1 month

Social Media Ads

We use Meta ads on Facebook and Instagram to help increase awareness and generate inquiries and leads.

Before starting operation, we conduct interviews, target placement, creative creation, and initial setup.
We create short videos and creative for the ads.

We conduct thorough hearings before operation to ensure smooth operation. We also provide monthly reports.

Please feel free to contact us for more information!

Operating cost: 4,000 THB~

Actual advertising cost: to be determined upon consultation

Time frame (preparation and setup): About 1 month

Account opening support

We also provide support for the initial launch and implementation of important social networking tools in Thailand, such as Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Shopee, Lazada, LINE, etc!

We can assist you with creative creation, hashtag research, and more.

If you are in need of internal resources, or if you have just entered the Thai market and have no knowledge of timerke, we will listen to you first and propose the best tools and operation methods for you!

Cost: 5,000 THB~

Time frame (preparation and setup): About 1 month

Operating cost: 4,000 THB~

Actual advertising cost: to be determined upon consultation

Time frame (preparation and setup): About 1 month

Operating cost: 4,000 THB~

Actual advertising cost: to be determined upon consultation

Time frame (preparation and setup): About 1 month

Cost: 5,000 THB~

Time frame (preparation and setup): About 1 month

Logo Design

We can help you create a corporate logo, product logo, website logo, or service logo that will be the face of your company.

First, we ask about your company's history, mission, values, and other information about your company.
After hearing detailed information about your products, website, and services, we will propose a concept plan.

We have a lot of experience in Thailand.

Cost: 30,000 THB~

Duration: about 2 months~.

Poster / Menu Design

We also offer a variety of paper media design services, including corporate brochure design to go along with your website, restaurant menu design, poster/flyer design for events, and more.

We will make the best proposal for your purpose! Please feel free to consult with us even on an idea basis.

We have experience in Japanese, Thai, and English.

Cost: 20,000 THB~

Duration: about 2 months~.


We can help you build not only your corporate brand recognition and image, but also your products and services through the Web.
We will work with you to determine what more you need to do to become a company of choice!

We also welcome consultation on rebranding!

Cost: 30,000 THB~

Duration: about 2 months~.

Cost: 30,000 THB~

Duration: about 2 months~.

Cost: 20,000 THB~

Duration: about 2 months~.

Cost: 30,000 THB~

Duration: about 2 months~.

Our Team

Yuta Umeki

Web Director

Born in Kumamoto in 1988 and raised in Sapporo. Studied at Chiang Mai University in Thailand while a student at Hirosaki University, and was in charge of setting up and running the Thai subsidiary from 2016 to 2022.

From August 2022, he moved his base to Sapporo and is mainly in charge of overseas expansion. I continue to challenge the unknown under the motto "Nobody knows, so I will do it.

Yu Tazawa

Web Planner

Born in Osaka in April 1980 and raised in Shiga Prefecture, I joined Gear8 in 2020, and my animal is a dromedary camel.

I can handle site modifications to domain and server transfers. I don't use public transportation in Bangkok because of the traffic congestion, and I travel by motorcycle all year round.

Nattharatchapong Kunyotying

Web Director

Born in Chiang Mai in 1985, studied abroad at Hirosaki University and University of the Ryukyus while in college. After graduation, he worked for a Japanese company and became a member of Gear8 Inc. in 2014.

He directs and markets Trippino Hokkaido, an app for Thai tourists. Outside of work hours, she likes to exercise and meditate with yoga, and her goal is to become a yoga teacher.

Mina Fukumura

Web Director

Originally from Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. Worked as a photographer in the photography department of a publishing company in Tokyo.

Currently lives in Bangkok with her French bulldog and is constantly exploring dog-friendly places. She loves India. Next trip will be to South India.

Tanyarat Viroonchatapun


Born in October 1988. Worked as a graphic designer at Salmon Books Publishing from 2011~2017 and at Passa.Installation.Art from 2017~2022. Joined Gear8 in 2023. Love cats and movies

Kulanit Torpaiboonwong

Back Office

Born in 1987 in Bangkok, Thailand. Always looking for something new and willing to try anything. When she was 20 years old, he joined a marketing research company. After that, she worked for UNIQLO Thailand for 4 years.

She became a founding member of Gear8 Thailand in September 2016.


Frequently asked questions
are listed below.

Can you provide multilingual support?

Yes, we do! Gear8 Thailand has a lot of experience in creating multilingual websites, and we can create websites that are easy to use and have a consistent design in each language.

*If translation is required, an additional fee will be charged.

Can you produce a website that is supported by smart phones?

Of course! The websites we produce are smartphone-compatible (Responsive Website).

Is it possible to update the website in-house?

Yes, it is possible! We will implement CMS (WordPress) so that your staff can easily update the website. We will proceed with the production after we determine the scope and format of updatable content at the meeting. We will give you a lecture before the launch, so you can use it even if you don't have any knowledge about it.

Is it possible to request only web design?

Yes, it is! We have a variety of experience in designing for the Thai market and designing for the Japanese market in our case studies. We can also help you with design concepts and wireframes. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to outsource only design due to resource constraints!

How can I make a payment?

We charge a 40% initiation fee at the start of the project, and the remaining 60% at the time of delivery.

*For template sites, the initial fee is paid at the start of the project.

Can you handle transferring our website?

Yes! We can support you in transferring your website or domain. We can also handle websites that were not created by our company, so please feel free to contact us for more information.


Please feel free to contact us

+66 097-158-2009

    NecessaryCompany /
    Organization Name
    NecessaryEmail (confirmation)
    OptionalPhone number
    OptionalInquiry category
    NecessaryInquiry Details


    952 Ramaland Building 13 Fl.,
    Rama 4 Rd.,
    Suriyawongse, Bangrak Bangkok 10500 Thailand

    +66 097-158-2009



    Toward 10 locations in Asia,
    Gear8's globalization still expanding.